English Songs For Camp
1) Hello, hi
Hello hello hello, hi hi hi
Hi, hello hi, hello hi hello
2) Hello. How are you?
Hello, hello, hello. How are you?
I’m fine. I’m fine.
I hope that you are too.
3) What’s your name?
What’s your name?
Please tell me. What’s your name?”
What’s your name?
Please tell me. What’s your name?”
My name is ………………………
4) Where is your group? (ทำนองเพลง Are you sleeping)
Where is your group?
Where is your group?
Find it now, find it now.
If you are ready, if you are ready.
Please sit down, please sit down.
5) English camp
When English camp (clap your hands 1,2,3)
When English camp go marching in
Oh! Don’t you want, to be in that number.
When English camp go marching in.
6) Banana in the world
All banana in the world united.(speaking)
Peel bananas, peel, peel, bananas.
Jump bananas, jump, jump bananas.
Dance bananas, dance, dance bananas.
Run bananas, run, run bananas.
Walk bananas, walk, walk bananas.
Sh…bananas, sh…., sh….bananas,
(Peel, Jump, Dance, Run, Walk, Sh…./Peel, Shake, Rock, go)
7) If you are happy
If you’re happy and you know it,clap your hands.
If you’re happy and you know it,clap your hands.
If you’re happy and you know it, and you really want to show it.
If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands.
>>> Stamp your feet
>>> Nod your head
>>> shout hurray
>>> do all four.
1) Hello, hi
Hello hello hello, hi hi hi
Hi, hello hi, hello hi hello
2) Hello. How are you?
Hello, hello, hello. How are you?
I’m fine. I’m fine.
I hope that you are too.
3) What’s your name?
What’s your name?
Please tell me. What’s your name?”
What’s your name?
Please tell me. What’s your name?”
My name is ………………………
4) Where is your group? (ทำนองเพลง Are you sleeping)
Where is your group?
Where is your group?
Find it now, find it now.
If you are ready, if you are ready.
Please sit down, please sit down.
5) English camp
When English camp (clap your hands 1,2,3)
When English camp go marching in
Oh! Don’t you want, to be in that number.
When English camp go marching in.
6) Banana in the world
All banana in the world united.(speaking)
Peel bananas, peel, peel, bananas.
Jump bananas, jump, jump bananas.
Dance bananas, dance, dance bananas.
Run bananas, run, run bananas.
Walk bananas, walk, walk bananas.
Sh…bananas, sh…., sh….bananas,
(Peel, Jump, Dance, Run, Walk, Sh…./Peel, Shake, Rock, go)
7) If you are happy
If you’re happy and you know it,clap your hands.
If you’re happy and you know it,clap your hands.
If you’re happy and you know it, and you really want to show it.
If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands.
>>> Stamp your feet
>>> Nod your head
>>> shout hurray
>>> do all four.
8) A side a front a back
A side, a side, a side, a side a front a back
A side, a side, a side, a side a front a back
A side, a side, a side, a side a front a back
A side a front, aside a front,
A side a front, a side a back
9) Down and up, and we walk walk walk.
Down and up, and we walk walk walk.
We walk to the left, and we walk to the right.
We turn one around, and we walk walk walk.
10) The sea (ทำนองเพลง โอ้ทะเลแสนงาม)
That the sea is blue,
And brightly blue sky,
We can see a sailing boat sailing in the sea,
There are crabs on the beach,
Keep your eyes on the fish,
Shrimps, shells, crabs, fish,
They are in the sea